Developing Together Social Work  Teaching Partnership

Mapping the PCF, KSS and Regulatory Standards in England: BASW Mapping Guidance and Webinar Recording

Social workers have asked for guidance and mapping documents for the PCF, Regulatory Standards and Knowledge and Skills Statement and as such this mapping guidance has been developed by the British Association of Social Workers (BASW), in partnership with stakeholders including Social Work England, the Department for Health and Social Care, the Department for Education, JCUSWEC and Skills for Care.

The document is intended to help practitioners at all levels, including social workers, social work educators, supervisors, managers and leaders understand how the Professional Capabilities Framework (PCF), the Knowledge and Skills Statements (KSS) and the professional regulatory standards of Social Work England (the regulatory standards) relate to each other and how they have different, complementary roles to play in promoting excellent social work and supporting practice development.

The guidance will also help practitioners understand how the PCF can continue to support ongoing development and achievements as various milestones are reached throughout their career.

Below you can access a recording of the webinar launch that took place on 28 January 2021.

You can also find the slides from the event here.
