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Blog Post: Mental Health Awareness
By Josie Newton – AMHP, Practice Consultant for the Teaching Partnership, and Lecturer in Social Work at Kingston University.
I have worked in Adult Mental Health since I qualified as a Social Worker over 10 years ago, and cannot imagine working in any other field! We know that approximately 1 in 4 people in the UK will experience a mental health problem each year, and in England 1 in 6 people report experiencing a common mental health problem (such as anxiety and depression) in any given week. This and other factors contribute to my passion and commitment to working with individuals to address, overcome and maintain positive ways of managing such issues that can be disabling, challenging and incredibly stigmatising but also ensuring the profile of mental health awareness is on everyone’s agenda!
Despite there often being significant challenges with accessing appropriate resources, meaningful help and well-deserved support, it is important people reach out, talk openly and boldly and use the tried and tested strategies that increases confidence, promotes inclusion and empowers to overcome barriers. The more we action, the easier it becomes!
Keep connected to friends via phone or having a coffee, go walking or swimming and / or join social groups that combine the two, take a well-deserved break away from the computer into the fresh air, listen to your favourite music and enjoy a dance around, sit calmly with yourself in peaceful silence and / or meditate to slow the mind, nourish yourself with healthy and satisfying meals, take a bubble bath and later curl up with your cat or dog for a hug, and ask “how are you?” The list is endless but these are just a few……….
Positive Mental Health to us all 😎🌟😊
By Josie Newton – AMHP, Practice Consultant for the Teaching Partnership, Lecturer in Social Work at Kingston University.