Developing Together Social Work  Teaching Partnership

PCF 4: Rights, Justice and Economic Wellbeing

RIGHTS, JUSTICE AND ECONOMIC WELLBEING – Advance human rights and promote social justice and economic wellbeing.

Social workers recognise and promote the fundamental principles of human rights, social justice and economic wellbeing enshrined in national and international laws, conventions and policies. These principles underpin our practice and we use statutory and case law effectively in our work. We understand and address the effects of oppression, discrimination and poverty. Wherever possible, we work in partnership with people using services, their carers and families, to challenge inequality and injustice, and promote strengths, agency, hope and self-determination.

PCF 4: Tool 1 – Exercise to explore Care Act 2014 eligibility assessment (SCIE)

PCF 4: Tool 2 – Amnesty International Human Rights Quiz

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

PCF 4: Tool 3 – ‘We Are Ghosts’ Report on Race, Class & Institutional Prejudice CLASS 2019
