Developing Together Social Work  Teaching Partnership

16/5 and 24/5 Training Opportunities with Wandsworth

Our colleagues at Wandsworth Borough Council are offering the following training opportunities to all of our partners:

Title: Cultural Competency

Date/time 16.5.2024 (9.30-16.30)

Target audience social workers and care staff

Online platform/Venue information – Wandsworth Professional Development Centre, Burntwood School, Burntwood Lane, London SW17 0AQ

Booking instructions – via their TPD system. A new account will have to be created here: Any problems please with this process contact Paola Di-Martino (

Course outline/learning objectives


This one day course will explore diversity and what it means in practice. How do we achieve a holistic picture of the ways in which diversity can impact on parenting and therefore the day to day experiences for children and young people. How do we examine how to create an open discussion with children and young people about their story and how this impacts on their lived experience.

Outcomes: By the end of the course participants will:

• Have an understanding of diversity and the ways in which this can impact on parenting and family life;

• Have developed further knowledge and confidence to discuss and explore family culture through the use of direct work tools;

• Have explored how diversity should be evident in analysis and recordings and therefore how it can help practitioners to think about meeting the needs of children and young people.

•  Have explored the role of bias in the understanding of diversity issues;

Title: The Record Business

Date: 24.5.2024 (9.30-16.30)

Target audience: social workers and care staff

Online platform/Venue information –:Wandsworth Professional Development Centre, Burntwood School, Burntwood Lane, London SW17 0AQ

Booking instructions – via their TPD system. A new account will have to be created here: Any problems please with this process contact Paola Di-Martino (

Course outline/learning objectives

Why is this subject important? It’s quite difficult to write simply. All too often social care report writing lacks structure and is unclear, unfocused and repetitive. This means the message and impact are weakened or lost. Whether we are writing for children and families, service users, other professionals, the court or others we need to do so in a clear, concise, relevant and meaningful way. And that means taking the reader (whoever they may be) with us every step of the way. We simply need to convince them that we know what we are talking about and are worth listening to. Reports, assessments, minutes and plans will be read, understood and followed if they are easy to read, easy to understand and easy to follow. We will apply our approach of facts-analysis-judgements. Indeed, research, inspections, serious case reviews and inquiries have all raised concerns that social work recording and reporting often lacks analysis and misses the child or service user’s voice (or their voice is ‘professionalised’). All too frequently, writing is mainly narrative and descriptive. There is a lot of information and a lot of facts. But we need to make sense of those facts and that information. 

What do they tell us? 

Why do they tell us that? 

What should we do as a consequence of that? 

We’ll show you how to make sense of it all. 

We’ll make analysis easy! 

